
11 May, 2020


Leigh Norman

It’s an obsession.

And a staple to lose in almost every health & fitness journey.

Hell, there is even a 200 billion dollar supplement industry based around it.

200 billion.


Even so, for many people BODYFAT it is the one thing they can never seem to lose.

And if they do.

It seems to find them again.

And again.

And again.


First body fat isn’t a bad thing.

Only TOO much or TOO little is.

Playing roles, numerous roles especially in energy and hormone production makes it kind of a big deal.

When we talk BODYFAT we are talking body composition.

Not body weight.

Losing body weight won’t make you look the way you want to.

Changing your body composition through FATLOSS will though.

Wait! does that mean when I lost 3kg in my first week of training it wasn’t all body fat?

3kg of body fat equals a touch under 24,000 calories…

What do you think?

Chances are very little, if any of it was bodyfat.

It doesn’t metabolize “just like that” or “that quick”.

So how do I lose bodyfat then?

There is only one way.

And it has 4 steps.

1- Manipulate energy levels – eat as a much food as possible above maintenance then utilize a handful (at most) training sessions per week to bring on all the fat loss you wish for. Did you know most don’t eat enough food to lose fat? Yep! You start to see why that 1200 calorie diet plan you were given didn’t work now…?

2- Structured, measured, progressive overload training .

Here’s the thing with training.

Training is only a stimulus, which means you are giving your body a message. If the wrong message is going in then always the wrong result will come out.

3- Taking charge of the big 3 – stress, sleep & mindfulness. Food and training can be on the money but mean absolutely nothing as the fat burning switch will be switched OFF completely if these aren’t controlled.

4- Build the habits, rituals, routines, beliefs & understandings around the above so they become your normal for life.

Steps 1-4 are the exact formula we use for permanent fat loss and teach our clients.


The only way to gain it back is if you miss steps 1-4.

The problem is we are made to believe that when you lose fat, you lose it for good.

That’s not really true.

You only open the cell the fat is stored in and empty it out a little.

The cell doesn’t go anywhere.

It simply shrinks in size.

That means you still have it.

Then it sits and waits.

And when you break that diet,

Finish that challenge,

Bake too many treats,

Consume to much alcohol


Have to many cheat meals.

It refills, expands, gets bigger and the vicious cycle that so many fall into with BODYFAT loss goes again.

Except next time you try and open those cells and lose fat your body will be more resistant.

To lose fat forever you must change what you do, who you are, your habits, rituals, and routines.

Or learn to settle for less than what you truly want in your journey.

To hell with that.

Life’s far to short to settle.

There is simply no other way.


Supplements have NOTHING to do with fat loss.

Just apply steps 1-4.

Make them apart of your life.

And you can have all the fat loss you wish for in the world.

Coach Leigh.

Ps: Mum's and mum's to be out there if you haven't already be sure to join us here

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