
30 Mar, 2020


Leigh Norman

Do you know right at this very moment sitting at your feet sits a priceless opportunity?

Most people will miss it!

But I’m here to share it with you so you don't.

So be sure to read until the very end.

Covid-19 sucks!

There is no doubt about that...

No one is immune!

Fact is each of us will feel some pain over the months ahead.

The fear of the unknown for most people will make this pain worse.

Together however we will get through.

Even so.

I won’t lie.

I’m concerned.

Especially being an emergency based RN as well as a coach.

I’m also excited.

We're excited!



Yes excited.

Excited for YOU.

Yes YOU.

Let me explain.

There is no doubt we are moving into tough times and a dark period in all our lives.

We have no choice in this.

It’s happening.


No matter who you are you can’t stop it.

No one knows what will happen in the months ahead.

Here’s what I do know though.

Even in the worst possible situation in life there is always a gift, a lesson or an opportunity.

You may not have noticed it yet so I’m going to show you.

So you can see it, grab it with both hands and run with it.

Do you know everyone has a health and fitness goal they wish to achieve?

Yes everyone.

What I know about health and fitness goals is this.

Having now been a coach for over 20 years now changing thousands upon thousands of lives I can tell you one thing for sure that peoples goals aren’t to lose weight, get fit or simply be healthy.

People want to escape something in their life.

That something is always painful, always draining and always causes them unneeded stress and worry as they move through life.

It may be the feeling of not liking what they see in the mirror.

It may be the feeling of not being able to keep up with the kids.

It may be the feeling of not being able wear the clothes they want to wear.

It may be the feeling of not being able to do the activities they want to do.

It may be the feeling of not being able to walk into a room with confidence.

It may be the feeling of not being able to escape the judgement they place on themselves everyday.

Now, these feelings people want to escape aren’t things that have come up overnight.

These are built and created from year after year of repetitive actions and habits which are then cemented in place by these exact habits and actions over and over again

The result?

An iron tight bond.

However with the right tools and approach even iron can be broken down and destroyed.

For us all life is busy.

Well not this very moment ha.

So let’s go back a month ago.

Life was busy then.

Everyone wanted to catch up with you

Every wanted a piece of your time.

You had to work overtime.

Dinner sat night with friends.

Catch ups on Sunday.

A quick trip to the city.

Do the school and after school/weekend activity run.

1001 errands needing doing.

Zip down to pick up takeaway.




A month ago it was easy busy being busy.

Do you know what stops us from breaking the iron bonds and escaping from the place we want to escape from in life?

Busy being busy is what stops us!

You see it’s far easier to run around doing errands that don’t really need to be done instead of getting that exercise session done.

Easier to zip down for takeaway then prepare a meal that serves you and your family.

Easier to tell yourself you don’t have time than make the time to work on you.

Easier to put the things that can truly break the bonds and allow us to escape forever on the back burner.

Chances are you have probably had the following conversation with yourself before.

You're sitting on the couch.

You have worked hard all week.

You're tired and hungry.

Your stomachs rumbling.

You can’t be bothered cooking.

You’re well aware that there is food in the fridge ready to cook.


The little voice upstairs is telling you that it's much easier to order takeaway.

Take away it is!

The little voice wins.

And cements the iron bonds even stronger…


It was a tough day a work

You haven’t stopped for 5 minutes

You missed lunch.

Afternoon tea was on the run

You are tired, hungry and grumpy

But you have an exercise session planned for after work

5 pm arrives

You pack up your desk

Grab your belongings

And call it a day.

In the car park the conversation begins.

One voice says go home…. It’s been a big day, your tired, go home put your feet up and do it tomorrow.

The other suggest maybe you should go?

You end up at home with your feet up.

Tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes

Tomorrow never happened.

And so the iron bonds got cemented stronger.

For most this is the daily battle.

Chances are it is for you to.

If you keep giving in, you will always get stuck in the same position you are trying to escape from for life.

We all have the power (you included) to break the iron bonds and achieve what it is you truly want to achieve.

Now let’s move back to the present moment today.

The very moment in possibly the worst possible time in the world a golden opportunity happening for YOU.

Many of the things you fight against and excuses you use and have been using to strengthen your iron bonds have now almost completely disappeared

Not by choice.

Can you see it?

See why I’m happy and excited for YOU?

Right this very moment in the worst possible time you have the opportunity to overcome yourself, break the bonds and move towards what it is you truly want.

The bonds have been weakened.

Ready for you to break through.

Like any opportunity it will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Many people will sit and wait as they always do.

Many won’t be able to see how great the opportunity present really is.


Many will act too late and miss out.

Those that do see, do act and do move,

When live returns to normal you will flourish and grow even more than over the next short while and you ever have before.

Here’s something I know too

Those that don’t act....

Those that don’t take the golden opportunity at their feet with both hands.

When life returns to normal all the things which have cemented the iron bonds in place for so long dropped upon them once again.

And life will go on as it has always been.

The clocks ticking.

The choice is yours.

Your golden opportunity is now.

It’s just up to you if you grab it or not.

It's going to be a tough time ahead if you haven't already be sure to join us here for some extra support HERE

For personalized help to ensure you make the most of the opportunity we have your back click HERE

Yours in love, confidence & self belief.

Your RPT Coaches.

Coach Leigh, Coach Belinda,  Coach Mardi 

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Fiona's Story

I have never felt better! Do yourself a favour and start today :)

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