
01 Feb, 2021


Leigh Norman

A daily debated topic…

What’s best when it comes to food.

  • Is it vegan?
  • Is it keto?
  • Is it IIFYM?
  • Is it vegetarian?
  • Is it paleo?
  • Is it Mediterranean?
  • Is it carnivore?

First, we need to take a step back & look at a pretty crucial key word.

“Best” …

What does “best” actually mean?

Does it mean.

  • Best for health?
  • Best for fat loss?
  • Best for weight loss?
  • Best for the environment?
  • Best for providing our bodies everything it needs?
  • Best for life longevity?

Here’s the thing….

If best is meant to mean ANY of the above, then ALL the above diets will fail miserably.

If fact every single diet out there will fail miserably.

It’s fair to say most people want 3 things in life.

  • To live a long healthy life.
  • To have minimal impact on the environment.
  • To look, feel & function well.

The “Best” to achieve 1,2 & 3 won’t be found in a diet.

In fact, there isn’t a diet out there when followed that won’t negatively impact the above.

So, what’s best then?

Before we answer that you must know one thing…

No matter who you are we each share one thing in common.

We each have a body we live in that we call home.

Our bodies protect us.

They keep us healthy.

And they allow us to live life….

Our bodies work extremely hard also to make this happen for us.

And in doing so they require fuel and upkeep…

They require A & B.

  • A, being things such as controlled stress, adequate sleep, rest & recovery etc.
  • B, being adequate food/fluid intake.

Let’s talk about B for a moment…

B is the building blocks which created your body.

Everything you see and feel came from B.

And now for it to continue running & function well it all relies very strongly on B.

The moment we take parts of B away from our bodies it is always impacted in a negative way.

You may not see it at first but it always is.

Every year we age we still need B.

It’s just as we age there will be slight variable changes in amounts/quantities of B.

But take home is that you still need all of B.

So, the answer is there is NO best diet.

Now It may pay to cut certain things out completely or minimize if you have a specific medical condition or allergy.

The reason you would do so is because that’s what your body needs.

Medical/allergy is a whole other conversation though…

The best thing is knowing what your B is.

What your body needs.

What your body requires.

To live.

To function.

To thrive.

And to go on living for many years to come.

If you choose to follow a diet that’s cool but remember it’s not the best & over time it will impact you in a negative way.

It takes a little bit extra time & commitment but it’s well worth it to learn exactly what your body needs & why, then run with it.

Fulfilling your B is the secret & gives you the best chance of living a long, healthy, happy life while having minimal impact on the environment.

Coach Leigh

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