
05 Jun, 2020


Leigh Norman


I can’t.

I wish I could...

But I can’t.

But you’re a coach?

Yes, that’s right….


You see.

Many things can be given to us in life.

Unfortunately, motivation isn’t one of them.

You can’t buy it either.

Nor can it be simply found in motivational quotes or clips.

Even so.

At some point we have all tried the above.

All been on that elusive search.

So, if you can’t buy it...

And it can’t be found in quotes & clips...

Then how the hell do we get it?

Let’s find out…

Motivation always comes from within.


This means you must create it.

So, I just think about it?

Not quite...

Here’s how to build all the motivation you will ever need.

You see health & fitness journeys are dam hard work.

Hard but rewarding.

Rewarding because they will change your life.

Motivation comes from experiencing, seeing, and feeling what it is you have been missing out on in life.

You see.

The moment someone slowly starts improving nutrition they start to feel better…

Energy improves...

They think more clearly...

They start to feel great.

The way they feel now trumps how they use to feel.

Now they have realized how much better they can feel they build the motivation to keep that feeling in their lives.

If they never took the action and first steps, they would never have built the motivation.

Or as someone starts to make exercise part of their weekly routine...

As they do.

They become stronger.

They move better.

Climbing a set of stairs no longer leaves them breathless.

Their body shape changes.

They feel more alive & full of beans…

Whereas before they started, they felt the opposite.




Low in energy...

You see by taking the action they created the experience to be able to feel just how much better life can be.

After experiencing both sides of the coin there is no way they would wish to go back to what was their normal before they took action.

They have created the motivation to be successful for life.

And their journey.

The beautiful thing is that the longer you are on your journey the more you experience and see.

You get to feel things you only dreamed of.

And experience things you never knew existed.

But it all starts with you.

With you taking the first step.

You can clearly start to see how waiting for a sign.

For the perfect time or motivation to show up.

It simple leaves you waiting forever.

I can guide & coach you.

But in the end, you will be the one who creates all the motivation you will ever need to live the live you truly want.

Coach Leigh.

👉 👈

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