
10 Jun, 2020


Leigh Norman


A common question asked...

The answer however always comes from you.

The question is what do you want to do?

To help you answer this, think long term.

Think 5 years ahead.

10 years ahead.

Where do you want to be?

What do you want to be doing?

How often do you want to be working out each week then?

3 times?

4 times?

5 times?

7 times?

Say you decide 3-4.

Build that habit now.

Stay with 3-4 from day dot.

Now, when we talk working out, we are referring to high intensity.

Progressive weight training…

High intensity cardio...

The stuff that challenges the body and spurs on positive change.

Walking, jogging, pilates, yoga….

While important, each of these sits outside the workout category.

Working out is a double edge sword.

To much of a good thing and the benefits fade away.

Replaced with the bad things.

Not to mention it’s much easier to find time 3-4 times per week to work out then 7!

Especially as a busy parent.

The real magic from workouts happen away from workouts as you recover.

To many workouts.

To frequently.

Will only hamper recovery.

It’s true, however.

You should be active each day.

Move around...

Get out and about...

But you don’t need to be “working out” each day.

Working out each day wont lead to faster results.

Is there a minimum?

As a coach I would say working out less than twice a week will do more harm than good.

So, to work out what’s best for you...

1st work out what do you want?

Then implement that 😊

Keeping in mind this is your journey and more is not always better when we are talking working out...

Personally, as busy parents our sweet spot has always been 3-4 weekly sessions.

Which equates to a maximum of 2 hours total workout time per week.

Something which is manageable for us for life.

Coach Leigh.

PS: for busy mum's wanting the best in their journey this ones for you

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I have never felt better! Do yourself a favour and start today :)

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