
30 Sep, 2020


Leigh Norman


1. What seems like the easy way never is – easy really means long, and long is married to frustration.

2. Abs aren’t the answer to the happiness you are looking for – the end.

3. Consistency trumps obsession every time – consistency is healthy, obsession isn’t.

4. Perfection is one evil son of a bitch – just don’t go there…consistency is enough.

5. One good meal won’t deliver results, just like one bad meal won’t take them away – It's the bigger picture that counts.

6. Distraction is the scales best trick – A dangerous game to play if you don’t know the rules.

7. A rabbit is fast, but the turtle always wins – It’s just the way it is…

8. 12 weeks is nothing more than 84 days – Life doesn’t change in 12 weeks.

9. Days go by quick, but months go by quicker – If you are sitting on the bench waiting for the perfect time to get started then you will know what I mean.

10. Physical changes are the icing on the cake, not the main prize you are after – The longer you are on your journey the clearer this becomes.

11. Your health and fitness impact every area of your life – 100% FACT & the reason why making it a priority is so important.

12. Exercise is just a stimulus – Not a tool to manage poor food or lifestyle choices.

13. Less is better – especially with training.

14. Weights are slow – cardio is fast.

15. Separate your weight training and cardio – you can’t go left and right at the same time…

16. Your mind is your biggest competitor – overcome it, and with time the life you want will be yours.

17. Progress year after year opens the door for you to see truly what is possible – Belief only comes from the evidence you create and collect along the way.

18. Fat has 7700 calories per kilo – no fairy dust or no magical dissolving liquid….it takes time to lose.

19. Muscle is the secret to lifelong results – Build it and good will come your way for life.

20. You need a coach – If lifelong success is what you are after...

21. Unhappiness is a choice – if you can’t be happy now then you won’t be happy when you get to your goals.

22. I don’t have time is a cop out – Control time or it will control you & your life.

23. Supplements are like the car seat warmer – Although available, they are mostly unnecessary to use…

24. Weight loss isn’t fat loss – FACTS!

25. Sleep is underrated – It’s the holy grail.

26. When stress hosts a party, fat is the only attendee – How boring!

27. Pictures tell a thousand words - take them often and compare to track progress.

28. Diets fuel unhealthy obsessions – no to mention you can’t eat the piece of paper they are written on.

29. The results roller coaster is a choice to be on – It’s an easy fix…don’t buy the ticket.

30. Excuses sound best to the person making them – plus they only one ever affect by ones made is YOU.

31. People will judge you – And it’s ok that they do to.…their opinions are none of your business.

32. You weigh less after you pee & poo and weigh more after you eat and drink – Don’t let that scale distract you…

33. Water is underrated – If you just did one thing, stay hydrated!

34. Protein is important but shouldn’t be on a pedestal – It’s one of many pieces of the puzzle of success.

35. Carbs alone won’t make you fat – but overeating food will.

36. You must have a deficit to lose fat – that 7700 calories per kilo doesn’t come from thin air.

37. It’s better to have a deficit coming from exercise rather than food – food deficits are a double-edged sword…it’s easy to get cut!

38. Non negotiables are the king of the castle - They must align with what you want.

39. 3 kg of fat equals 23,100 calories – so about that “I lost 3 kg in a week” thing…It wasn’t fat.

40. My biggest lesson is that the real prize is living the healthiest, happiest life you can – because lets face it we all wont the same thing and the one thing that will ALWAYS take you there is investing time, energy, effort and money into your health and fitness journey for life.

Coach Leigh

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